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Сообщения за апрель, 2018

Особое мнение / Андрей Колесников // 26.04.18

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VH0vrdkPwA Ведущая: Ольга Журавлева. Звонки: +7 495 363-36-59 СМС: +7 985 970-45-45 Сетка вещания — http://echo.msk.ru/schedule Подпишитесь на другие каналы Эха Москвы: Эхо Общество — https://goo.gl/Pb2Bkd Эхо Культура — https://goo.gl/4oSHPY Эхо Авто — https://goo.gl/pgkXNW Эхо Сп...

Особое мнение / Николай Сванидзе // 27.04.18

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwRit9MgxZQ Ведущая: Ксения Ларина. Звонки: +7 495 363-36-59 СМС: +7 985 970-45-45 Сетка вещания — http://echo.msk.ru/schedule Подпишитесь на другие каналы Эха Москвы: Эхо Общество — https://goo.gl/Pb2Bkd Эхо Культура — https://goo.gl/4oSHPY Эхо Авто — https://goo.gl/pgkXNW Эхо Спор...

Особое мнение / Леонид Радзиховский // 27.04.18

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI8KMrjweHQ Ведущая: Оксана Пашина. Звонки: +7 495 363-36-59 СМС: +7 985 970-45-45 Сетка вещания — http://echo.msk.ru/schedule Подпишитесь на другие каналы Эха Москвы: Эхо Общество — https://goo.gl/Pb2Bkd Эхо Культура — https://goo.gl/4oSHPY Эхо Авто — https://goo.gl/pgkXNW Эхо Спор...

Сканер / Персона недели: Никол Пашинян / Компания недели: Евросоюз // 27.04.18

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4z5kRp6OIc По тел: Ольга Бычкова, журналист «Эха Москвы»; Александр Баунов, журналист, главный редактор сайта Carnegie.ru; Алексей Портанский, профессор ВШЭ, ведущий научный сотрудн...

Персонально ваш / Борис Грозовский // 27.04.18

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9B6X32naiow Ведущие: Сергей Бунтман, Анна Трефилова. Звонки: +7 495 363-36-59 СМС: +7 985 970-45-45 Сетка вещания — http://echo.msk.ru/schedule Подпишитесь на другие каналы Эха Москвы: Эхо Общество — https://goo.gl/Pb2Bkd Эхо Культура — https://goo.gl/4oSHPY Эхо А...

«2018» / Сергей Маркедонов // 27.04.18

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7O5fhx070qo Ведущие: Виталий Дымарский, Ксения Ларина. Звонки: +7 495 363-36-59 СМС: +7 985 970-45-45 Сетка вещания — http://echo.msk.ru/schedule Подпишитесь на другие каналы Эха Москвы: Эхо Общество — https://goo.gl/Pb2Bkd Эхо Культура — https://goo.gl/4oSHPY Эх...

Блог-аут / Армения: как это было, Сломанный Рунет, Строевая под снегом // 26.04.18

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBXgepN3Ux4 Топ-10 блогеров по цитируемости в российских СМИ. Тема-1: Армения: как это было? По тел: Илья Азар, журналист «Новой газеты» Тема-2: Сломался ли Рунет? По тел: Карен Казарян...
Мультипорт - Новости https://multiport.online/4926404e8fe9f4087cbdc7ffaf40b8bf/

Венгрия пообещала не допустить вступления Украины в НАТО

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Журналисты нашли "сестру-близняшку" Трампа

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Врио премьер-министра Армении Карапетян о внеочередных выборах: Не ограничиваем повестку

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Стали известны подробности дела о крупном хищении на реконструкции столичного СИЗО

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Благодаря военным РФ в Сирии от боевиков освободили город Рухейба

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В Британии вынесли смертный приговор тяжело больному ребенку

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В музее мадам Тюссо появилась восковая фигура Мелании Трамп

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Видео старта ракеты носителя Рокот с космодрома Плесецк

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Власти США начали захват комплекса зданий кенконсульства РФ в Сиэтле

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Жители Челябинска напуганы нашествием тараканов

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Каждая четвертая автозапчасть в России оказалась бракованной

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Корреспондент РЕН ТВ одна из первых проехала по автомобильному подходу к Крымскому мосту

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Легенды футбола России провели невероятный матч на высоте 2 тысяч метров

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Названа стоимость майского шашлычного набора

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Прокуратура Забайкалья выявила нарушения, связанные с тушением лесных пожаров

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Центр Москвы перекроют из за репетиции Парада Победы

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В отношении депутатов парламента в Якутии возбуждено уголовное дело

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Россияне удостоенные звания Герой труда России рассказали о важности данной награды

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В кольце огня: природные пожары окружили Благовещенск

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Природные пожары в Амурской области превратили в пепелище

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Ученые объяснили, почему пингвинам угрожает вымирание

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Кинокритик объяснил, почему Московский международный кинофестиваль стал поводом для гордости

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Обратный отсчет: до старта Чемпионата мира по футболу в России осталось 50 дней

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Мультипорт - Новости https://multiport.online/e27bf208183e37cadc41c93092537b90/

Nord Stream Expansion in the Works: Gazprom Has Ambitious Goals for German Gas Market

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSc_QTQ03YY Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Gazprom has set a new record on gas exports to Europe. Last year, they delivered over 194 billion cubic meters. In 2018, the company plans on beating its own record, and in the future, it plans to negotiate the expansion of the Nord Stream pipeline. This was announced at the Gas Forum in Berlin by Gazprom's Deputy Chairman Aleksandr Medvedev. Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Gazprom has set a new record on gas exports to Europe. Last year, they delivered over 194 billion cubic meters. In 2018, the company plans on beating its own record, and in the future, it plans to negotiate the expansion of the Nord Stream pipeline. This was announced at the Gas Forum in Berlin by Gazprom’s Deputy Chairman Aleksandr Medvedev. Мультипо...

Canada’s FM Believes Russia is a Contemptible State - Perhaps She Has an Ethnic Grudge Instead?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1s6E6_00uw Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 They accused Russia of unacceptable behavior and threatened to impose new sanctions. These were the main points in the communique, issued after the meeting of the G7 countries' foreign ministers They met in Canada which currently holds the position of chairman. However, it seems like Mrs. Freeland, Canada's Foreign Minister might be personally interested in Moscow's issues. Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 They accused Russia of unacceptable behavior and threatened to impose new sanctions. These were the main points in the communique, issued after the meeting of the G7 countries’ foreign ministers They met in Canada which currently holds the position of chairman. However, it seems like Mrs. Freeland, Canada’s Foreign Minister might be personally interested in Moscow...

An Alliance With Germany, Russia and China: The Ultimate Powerblock to Challenge Anglo Hegemony

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJq5Db4_SOM Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Karen Shakhnazarov comments on a Russian-German-Chinese alliance. Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Karen Shakhnazarov comments on a Russian-German-Chinese alliance. Мультипорт - Новости https://multiport.online/an-alliance-with-germany-russia-and-china-the-ultimate-powerblock-to-challenge-anglo-hegemony/

EXCLUSIVE: Russian МOD Puts Downed American Missiles on Display

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuyfZenKR_E Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Back to the current situation in Syria and the analysis of the missile strike delivered by the US, Britain, and France on April 14th. The briefing was conducted by Russian General Staff spokesman Colonel-General Sergey Rudskoy. Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Back to the current situation in Syria and the analysis of the missile strike delivered by the US, Britain, and France on April 14th. The briefing was conducted by Russian General Staff spokesman Colonel-General Sergey Rudskoy. Мультипорт - Новости https://multiport.online/exclusive-russian-mod-puts-downed-american-missiles-on-display/

Romanov Restoration: New Russian Museum Dedicated to Royal Family Opened in Tobolsk

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rk518y5qvY Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 The family museum of the final Russian Emperor, Nicholas II, opened today in Tobolsk, in the former Governor's house where the Romanovs lived before being sent to Yekaterinburg. Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 The family museum of the final Russian Emperor, Nicholas II, opened today in Tobolsk, in the former Governor’s house where the Romanovs lived before being sent to Yekaterinburg. Мультипорт - Новости https://multiport.online/romanov-restoration-new-russian-museum-dedicated-to-royal-family-opened-in-tobolsk/

Russia by the Numbers: Country Experiences Sharp Increase in Average Life Expectancy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0U0yiWh9fg Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Russia by the Numbers Did life expectancy increase? Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Russia by the Numbers Did life expectancy increase? Мультипорт - Новости https://multiport.online/russia-by-the-numbers-country-experiences-sharp-increase-in-average-life-expectancy/

BREAKING! No War for the Peninsula: North and South Hold Historic Talks, Reconciliation Within Reach

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJVI4rDTtkQ Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 There will be no war on the Korean peninsula. Pyongyang and Seoul head for reconciliation, the leaders of North and South Korea have said at a press conference following the inter-Korean summit. Kim Jong-Un, the North Korean leader, stressed that the border shouldn’t divide people. In his turn, Moon Jae-in, the South Korean leader announced the start of complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. The leaders of North and South Koreas also signed a joint declaration following the summit. Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 There will be no war on the Korean peninsula. Pyongyang and Seoul head for reconciliation, the leaders of North and South Korea have said at a press conference following the inter-Korean summit. Kim Jong-Un, the North Korean leader, stressed that the b...

Today I will Remind Them: Lavrov Calls Trump Out on Complete Syria Policy U-Turn

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzqfRl0G4MI Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 SCO member states have spoken out against the West's policy on Syria. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov addressed this issue in Beijing today. A meeting between the diplomatic and defense establishments of SCO member states was held there. Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 SCO member states have spoken out against the West’s policy on Syria. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov addressed this issue in Beijing today. A meeting between the diplomatic and defense establishments of SCO member states was held there. Мультипорт - Новости https://multiport.online/today-i-will-remind-them-lavrov-calls-trump-out-on-complete-syria-policy-u-turn/

Shoygu: US is Restarting Old Arms Race, Forcing Other Countries to Start Stockpiling as Well

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uptmXbHBefk Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 The US is urging other countries to start a new arms race, according to the Russian Minister of Defense, Sergey Shoygu. He's announced it at the Beijing meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation countries' Ministers of Defense. The keynotes of his speech were the situation in the Middle East and counter-terrorism. Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 The US is urging other countries to start a new arms race, according to the Russian Minister of Defense, Sergey Shoygu. He’s announced it at the Beijing meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation countries’ Ministers of Defense. The keynotes of his speech were the situation in the Middle East and counter-terrorism. Мультипорт - Нов...

Russia’s Extremes: Some Regions Flooded, Others Scorched by Wildfires, the Rest Buried in Snow

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d34YyEnTLcs Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Several regions of the country are in a state of emergency due to floods, wildfires, and heavy snowfalls. April became the most unpredictable month this year. Spring floods have come to the Vologda and Nizhniy Novgorod Regions. In the Transbaikal region and around the Amur River, thousands of hectares of taiga are on fire. In the Kirov and Chelyabinsk Regions, they're experiencing unusual snowfalls that nobody expected at this time of year. Our correspondents Stanislav Nazarov and Anna Bosenko report on the issue. Several villages in the Kirov Region were simultaneously cut off from the main highway. The road to Sibir village reminds one of an empty field. This village's residents couldn't leave it for several days. The large Barmins family made it through these days only because of their personal food supply. "This morning, I ...

Russian Athletes Prepare for Revenge - Suing Over Disqualifications Based on False Testimony

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WEmHN3u75c Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Today it has become known that Russian athletes are going to file lawsuits in European courts. The reason is the publication of Rodchenkov's testimony in which the runaway WADA informer discredited a number of his own charges. Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Today it has become known that Russian athletes are going to file lawsuits in European courts. The reason is the publication of Rodchenkov’s testimony in which the runaway WADA informer discredited a number of his own charges. Мультипорт - Новости https://multiport.online/russian-athletes-prepare-for-revenge-suing-over-disqualifications-based-on-false-testimony/

Salisbury Breakthrough: OPCW’s Director ADMITS to Russian Pranksters That He Has No Proof

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZO1cM_pks0 Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 The OPCW’s Director-General admitted that the toxin which poisoned Sergei and Yulia Skripal could have been manufactured in any country. He told this to Russian prank callers Vladimir Kuznetsov (Vovan) and Aleksei Stolyarov (Lexus). Ahmet Uzumcu, the head of the OPCW, thought that the caller was Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 The OPCW’s Director-General admitted that the toxin which poisoned Sergei and Yulia Skripal could have been manufactured in any country. He told this to Russian prank callers Vladimir Kuznetsov (Vovan) and Aleksei Stolyarov (Lexus). Ahmet Uzumcu, the head of the OPCW, thought that the caller was Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. Мультип...

Danger of Colossal Losses. Europe Plans Behind the Scenes to Make Separate Peace With Russia

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQ-jL9eitEQ Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Anti-Russian sanctions will be another delicate issue on the agenda at the Washington talks. Diplomatic sources report that Paris has offered Berlin, London and Rome to jointly demand that the US to soften its stance. The largest European enterprises may be on the verge of closure. Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Anti-Russian sanctions will be another delicate issue on the agenda at the Washington talks. Diplomatic sources report that Paris has offered Berlin, London and Rome to jointly demand that the US to soften its stance. The largest European enterprises may be on the verge of closure. Мультипорт - Новости https://multiport.online/danger-of-colossal-losses-europe-plans-behi...

Macron’s Historic Visit to US Marks Major Milestone - Macron Commits France to US War in Syria

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTud7xNezRg Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Today, Emmanuel Macron held a speech in Congress. The French President had been preparing for the event and held his speech in English. Previously, the honor of addressing Congress was granted only to Charles de Gaulle. It's supposed to accentuate special relations with France which Trump's trying to establish. And it seems he's been quite successful. The visit has already been called touching. Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Today, Emmanuel Macron held a speech in Congress. The French President had been preparing for the event and held his speech in English. Previously, the honor of addressing Congress was granted only to Charles de Gaulle. It’s supposed to accentuate special relations with France which Trump’s trying to establish. And it seems he’s been quite...

Move Over Cold War, Only 50 Days Left Until World Cup! Russian Economy Set to Get Big Bump

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5DePkak8pM Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 There are only 50 days left until the FIFA World Cup. The host cities are wrapping up their preparations and applying the finishing touches. According to estimates, Russia's economy will benefit from the competition. Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 There are only 50 days left until the FIFA World Cup. The host cities are wrapping up their preparations and applying the finishing touches. According to estimates, Russia’s economy will benefit from the competition. Мультипорт - Новости https://multiport.online/move-over-cold-war-only-50-days-left-until-world-cup-russian-economy-set-to-get-big-bump/

Crimean Bridge Reaches 93% Milestone - Opening Ceremony Drawing Nearer and Nearer

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzliOruP8is Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Vehicle access to the Crimean Bridge is 93% done. The Ministry of Transport predicts a significant price drop for petroleum products in the region due to the implementation of the new throughway. Meanwhile, resorts are expecting a fivefold increase in tourist flow. Everyone is monitoring the construction process even from space. The first pictures were taken from the ISS. They were published by Anton Shkaplerov, a Russian astronaut. Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Vehicle access to the Crimean Bridge is 93% done. The Ministry of Transport predicts a significant price drop for petroleum products in the region due to the implementation of the new throughway. Meanwhile, resorts are expecting a fivefold increase in tourist flow. Everyone is monitoring the construction process even ...

Russian Experts Begin Research on Captured American “Smart” Missiles, Knocked Down Over Syria

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1RQzij2V6Y Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 The Russian military presented the evidence of the successful operation of Syrian air defense systems during the missile strike by the United States and its allies. Journalists were shown fragments of intercepted cruise missiles and told about the missiles that failed to hit the targets because of "malfunctions." And although Washington is confident that the strike was a complete success, the Defense Ministry reports that only 22 out of the 105 "smart missiles," as they were called by the US president, hit their targets. Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 The Russian military presented the evidence of the successful operation of Syrian air defense systems during the missile strike by the United States and its allies. Journalists were shown fragments of intercep...

“All the French Are Good For Is Groping” - Zhirinovsky on France’s History, Right Up to the Present

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvnkX72TprU Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Apparently, the existing sanctions for Donbass aren't enough, the West feels the urge to come up with something else. The UK's Boris Johnson has basically called us 'evil geniuses.' So, are they leaning towards deterring Russia or cooperating? The answer is obvious. Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Apparently, the existing sanctions for Donbass aren’t enough, the West feels the urge to come up with something else. The UK’s Boris Johnson has basically called us ‘evil geniuses.’ So, are they leaning towards deterring Russia or cooperating? The answer is obvious. Мультипорт - Новости https://multiport.online/all-the-french-are-good-for-is-groping-zhirinovsky-...

Education Reform - President Putin Makes Trip to St. Petersburg to Promote Crucial Student Programs

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaIE6nF3ftI Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 The new Russian administration will build new student dorms. Colleges and universities will be able to attract Russian and foreign businesses to their startups. In the art industry, the government plans to promote public awareness of science. Vladimir Putin made all these statements during his speech at the Russian Rectors' Union Convention in St. Petersburg today. The President mentioned that Russia needs a technological breakthrough. We have the opportunity to make it happen. Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 The new Russian administration will build new student dorms. Colleges and universities will be able to attract Russian and foreign businesses to their startups. In the art industry, the government plans to promote public awareness of science. Vladimir Putin made all th...

The Truth Will Always Out: NATO Closes Eyes and Ears to Testimony of Douma Witnesses

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3TaKWEUXo4 Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Today, witnesses and participants of the alleged chemical attack in Douma spoke at the OPCW's headquarters in The Hague. Among them were doctors, local residents, and even children who took part in the provocation orchestrated by the militants and the White Helmets. Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Today, witnesses and participants of the alleged chemical attack in Douma spoke at the OPCW’s headquarters in The Hague. Among them were doctors, local residents, and even children who took part in the provocation orchestrated by the militants and the White Helmets. Мультипорт - Новости https://multiport.online/the-truth-will-always-out-nato-closes-eyes-and-ears-to-testimony-of-d...

The Domed City - Moscow Celebrates 100 Year Anniversary of its Anti-Aircraft System

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Y0puG_R70I Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Today, the protective dome over Moscow is 100 years old. The capital got its first anti-aircraft system exactly a century ago. The name and structure of the troops have changed many times over the years. The methods of defending the celestial boundaries of the city have changed along with the technology. How was an umbrella opened over Moscow? Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Today, the protective dome over Moscow is 100 years old. The capital got its first anti-aircraft system exactly a century ago. The name and structure of the troops have changed many times over the years. The methods of defending the celestial boundaries of the city have changed along with the technology. How was an umbrella opened over Moscow? Мультипор...

Putin’s Reforms: New Governors Boast Top Education and Commitment to Prosperity of Russia’s Regions

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13ftdfqtiuM Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Government officials at all levels must be elected in an open and transparent process. Vladimir Putin discussed it today during his meeting with the graduates of the Management Candidate Pool Development Program. Seven of them are already acting governors. The President spoke to them separately. Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Government officials at all levels must be elected in an open and transparent process. Vladimir Putin discussed it today during his meeting with the graduates of the Management Candidate Pool Development Program. Seven of them are already acting governors. The President spoke to them separately. Мультипорт - Новости https://multiport.online/putin-s-reforms...

UK Journalists Were Never That Good, But is Their Negligence This Time Because of MI5 Interference?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-nyPAknUoE Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 All of the British media was under strict control of the authorities and acted on their instructions concerning the Skripal case. This was stated by the Russian embassy in London. Since the alleged poisoning, the usually meticulous British journalists haven't even tried to interview Yulia Skripal, or visit the hospital in Salisbury to find out where the victims are. And why? Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 All of the British media was under strict control of the authorities and acted on their instructions concerning the Skripal case. This was stated by the Russian embassy in London. Since the alleged poisoning, the usually meticulous British journalists haven’t even tried to interview Yulia Skripal, or visit the hospital in Salisbury to find out where the victims are. And ...